
How does meditation help you sync with your soul?

Are you feeling down for the past few weeks and want to draw inspiration from somewhere? Then, you might have noticed our soul is the best way to do so. However, it is very difficult to connect with your soul. Many monks often Practice Meditation for years to communicate with their souls. We know you don’t have that much amount of time. However, if you follow the meditation steps below, you can sync with your soul. 5 Steps of Soul Sync Meditation: 1. The first step is breathing slow and deep to bring your undivided attention to your breathing. Take any number, for example, 7. Now breathe seven full times and count it on your finger. This will divert your attention to breathing and train your mind in awareness and forget your daily tension. 2. While breathing, try to make a sound like saying “OM” – let it resonate in your head. This will release the tension in your brain, open up consciousness. Do it for seven counts. 3. During the breathing, try to pause between inhaling and ...


WHAT IS WOMB HEALING? It is an ancient practice of releasing any current or past womb trauma. When we suffer too much pain in our life, emotions get overwhelmed, and our body responds by creating various physical, energetic, and emotional blockade. During our session, we will address these traumas and then work our way to release those blockades. So, energy flows seamlessly in your vessels again. WHAT IS WOMB CHAKRA? Before the birth of Christ, people have known about the divine power of a Womb. It was considered sacred in many cultures and was worshipped. People believed Womb has magical power, it could cleanse the body of evil. This entire Creation isn’t misled legend. Many modern scientists believe womb healing or womb trauma to be true. It is said energy is hidden in our body and the most powerful chakra is the womb. Every human being, both men and women, has a Womb Chakra in their soul. Here at mindbodyhobroken, we will harvest that energy with you for you. ...


Womb has a divine power- The power of creation. We have all emerged from the womb and that is the source of all lives and possibilities. Our womb is the key to understanding the integral levels of personal well-being coupled with the grounding of our spiritual truths into conceivable actions. Feminine womb is not only the place where from babies are born; it is also a place where the emotions and energetic cords of a woman are centered.  This is why her physical, mental and emotional well being has a lot to do with the condition of her womb. When her womb is not in a pleasant state or is shut due to any reason, her whole conscience begins to fall astray. The reasons for an upset womb can be many- difficult childbirth, abortion, sexual abuse and miscarriage to name a few. But to bring the womb in a healthy state, the best thing to do is get womb healing sessions. Womb healing is basically energetic healing technique that makes the womb free of any past trauma. An upset womb ...